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English version
Take me back to Abkhazia
Why are the cherry branches crying? Take me back to Abkhazia
They are devoid of life. Take me back to Abkhazia
Teach me the secrets of The Black Sea
Let me drown in its wisdom
To whom belongs the ships, elevated in the sea like mountains?
Bismillahi al-Rahmani al-Raheem
Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatullah
Değerli kardeşlerim, benim kötü türk affet.
Bu şiir hataları olabilir. Ben hala öğreniyorum çünkü.
Bu şiir semboliktir. Allah sizi ve beni affetsin.
Beni Abhazya'ya geri götür
Kiraz dalları neden ağlar? Beni Abhazya'ya...
JazakAllahu Khair kardesim I appreciate it.
So this must be the Mansour he is talking about
And Ibrahim Edhem
La hawla wa la quwata illa billah.
Anyways, thanks for the translation.
It's a long story akhi, I might explain it all one day. But I speak many languages and I enjoy studying poetry and history in the original languages. I really like to read old books, and I appreciate old Ottoman and pre-Ottoman litterature, but every time I want to read a Turkish book, I can't...
Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatullah.
Dear brethren. I enjoy reading poetry, and I wondered whether a Turkish kardeş could translate this poem to English for me, since I am only a beginner in Turkish. These sufi poems often contain traces of shirk, so it's important for me to know the meaning of it...