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Cemaleddin Afgani

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aşk tesadüfleri sever , :) Herif masondur ve lakin ilk üye olduğu locadan kovulunca gidip kendi locasını kurmuştur , daha sonra da başkaca localara üye olmuştur , sonra bu eleman abdülhamid hanın yanına gidip hadi seni mehdi ilan edek falan deyince abdülhamid bunu kovalamış onunla da yetinmemiş , ev hapsine tıkmıştır , bu arada istanbul da kenddine saidi nursi , mehmet akif gibi muridler edinmiştir , bu muridler daha sonra başta bahsettiğimiz şekilde tesadüfi bir olay olaraktan masonların kurduğu ittihat terakkinin yanında abdülhamide karşı ayaklanmışlardır , bu süreçte said abdülhamide haydıt derken akif de kızıl kafir demektedir , neyse said de tımarhaneye tıkılır , bu arada afganinin bahai ayakları da meşrutiyet diye iran şahına karşı ayaklanmaktadır , hatta iran şahına suikast düzenleyenlerin bizzat said tarafından karşılandığı söylenir , neyse gün gelir abdühamid tahttan indirilir hükümet artık masonların elindedir buna karşılık talebesi said , yaşasın istibdatı yıktık deyyu göbek atmaktadır , bu hizmetlerinin karşılığı olaraktan mason şeyhülislamdan islama hizmet bilmemnesi mahreci alır , lerleyen dakikalarda da akif milli şair olmakla ödüllendirilir , bu arada said aman it rejimine karşı ayaklanmayın dünyevi saadetimiz meşrutiyettedir der , zaman geçer gün gelir şeyh said diye biri çıkar ben laik tc yi tanımıyom şeriat sterim der ve lakin said yine sahneye çıkar ve aman kan dökülmesin diy eortalığı yatıştırma görevini üstlenip şeyh saide kkarşı tc nin yanında yer alır , gün olur devran döner , bunlar ölürler , artık sahnede yeni nesiller ardır mesela nurlu şakrt sülü , ama o da ne zamanla bu nurlu sülünün de mason olduğu ortaya çıkar , hatta 28 şubatta artık hiç bir şeyi gizlemez olur ve ne gariptir ki bu nurlu mason sülü ilerleyen dakikalarda yıllarca biz chp zihniyetne karşıyıııııık derken birden ittihat terakkinin uzantısı kabul edile chp li oluverir , bu arada pensilvanya dolaylarından mehdinin şahsı manevvisi belirir o da şakirttir : Bu eleman usameyi sevmez , erbakana da kanı ısınmaz , gökten cebrail inse parti kursa desteklemem demesi ile ünlüyken mezardakileri kaldırın oy versinler demeye başlamıştır , arada bir israilden de izin alır aşk 100 yıldan beri sürekli masonik tesadüflerle karşımızdadır . ...

Uzun lafın kısası yahudilerle hrisityanları dost edinmeyiniz .
Ebu Yusuf Çevrimdışı

Ebu Yusuf

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Bu Hamza Türkmen'in Suratında islam alameti islamın nuru varmı Allah aşkına.
Ya size soruyorum. bir bakın bu adam hadis inkarcısı mel'un bir adam.
Allah suratında ki nuru almış.
Siz bu adamı peygamberi savunurken göremezssiniz.
Afganiyi 1 saat savunmuş.
Yazıklar olsun Yazıklar olsun Yazıklar olsun.....

Allah'ım sen içimizdeki şerlileri bizden uzak et.Aminn
K Çevrimdışı


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İslam-TR Üyesi
Abdulhamid iyi bir padişah olmasına rağmen hatasızda değildi:

Sen de hatasız değilsin diye sana karşı da bi mason bulup onu mu destekleyelim şimdi yani :)7

Bu arada afganiyi biraz daha iyi bilmek isteyenler
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
ismini iyi incelemelidirler ,hatta bulursanız türkçe kitaplarını falan okuyunuz ve neden Arap Lawrence'ın ,Blunt'a rol modelim ve peygamberim dediğini anlamalıdırlar....

Ben ingilizcesini alıntılaycağım anlayanlar için ...

The Future of Islam by Blunt, Wilfred Scawen, 1840-1922

t is difficult to gain accurate information as to Abd el Hamid's character and religious opinions, but I believeit may be safely asserted that he represents in these latter the extremest Hanefite views. In youth he was, for aprince, a serious man, showing a taste for learning, especially for geography and history; and though not analem he has some knowledge of his religion. It may therefore be taken for granted that he is sincere in his
belief of his own spiritual position—it is easy to be sincere where one's interest lies in believing; and I
have it from one who saw him at the time that on the day soon after his accession, when, according to the
custom already mentioned, he received the sword at the mosque [Pg 85]of Ayub, he astonished his courtiers
with the sudden change in his demeanour. All the afternoon of that day he talked to them of his spiritual rank
in language which for centuries had not been heard in the precincts of the Seraglio. It is certain, too, that his
first act, when delivered from the pressure of the Russian invasion, was to organize afresh the propagandism
already begun, and to send out new missionaries to India and the Barbary States to preach the doctrine of his
own Caliphal authority to the Moslems in partibus infidelium. His language, too, to strangers from external
Islam was from the first that of a spiritual rather than a temporal prince, and with the European Ambassadors
he has used this position consistently and most effectually.

It is no mean proof of Abd el Hamid's ability that he should have invented the Mussulman non possumus with
which he has disconcerted our diplomacy. In private life he is said to be regular at his prayers, though it is also
said that he conforms to the custom of Turkish Sultans in avoiding legal marriage. He is at the same time a
liberal patron of dervishes, workers of miracles, and holy men. These he is at pains to seek out and receive
honourably. In his ad[Pg 86]ministration he conforms, wherever he is himself the actor, strictly to the Sheriat,
and on doubtful points consults always the mufti or Sheykh el Islam. He has shown no inconsiderable
firmness in resisting European demands when they contravened the canon law.[13]

For all these reasons it will be readily understood that Abd el Hamid has gained not only the support of his
own Turkish Ulema, but the sympathy of a very considerable section of opinion outside his dominions. From
a traitor to the cause of religion the Ottoman Sultan has come to be looked upon, east and west, as once more
its champion; and with the old-fashioned reactionary school Abd el Hamid is fast growing into a hero. A year
ago, when I was at Jeddah, this was not yet the case, but it would seem to be so now. Then even the people of
his own party spoke of him doubtfully, and he certainly excited no enthusiasm among them. They did not
understand him, and thought that he was playing a part. [Pg 87]He was said to be of Armenian parentage (on
his mother's side) and his sincerity as a Moslem was suspected. It seemed impossible one born in Abd el
Mejid's Seraglio should be a serious man. Besides, he had not yet shown his strength, and to be strong is to be
a hero everywhere.

But within the last eight months, events have marched rapidly. Abd el Hamid has played his cards
successfully in Greece, in Albania, and with the Kurds. He has not been afraid of England and has shown a
bold front against infidel reforms. He has had the courage under the eyes of Europe to arrest theirprotégé,
Midhat, and to try him for murder. Lastly, the French have played into his hands in Tunis, and he has thus
gained a footing of sympathy with the Mussulmans of North Africa, a population which has for centuries
opposed his claims. Twenty years ago it would have been absolutely impossible for an Ottoman Sultan to
awaken any loyal feeling in any Arab breast. Tunis then specially boasted her independence of the Porte, and
all but the Hanefite rulers of the sea-coast towns of Africa would have scouted the idea of fighting for the
Turk. Now the Malekites themselves, the puritans of Kerwan, are moving at Abd el Hamid's nod. He would
seem, too, to be [Pg 88]stirring with some success in Egypt, and Indian Mussulmans are praying for him

The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Future Of Islam, by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt.


publicly in their mosques. Everywhere the reactionary party is standing to its arms, and is beginning to
recognize a leader in this supple Armenian Khalifeh, who is defying Europe, and seems willing, if necessary,
to lead them one day on a Jehad.

With all this, however, it must not be supposed that Orthodox Islam is by any means yet won back to
Constantinople. Turkey, I have shown, and the Hanefite school, are far from being the whole of the
Mohammedan world; and side by side with the fanatical obduracy of the Ottoman State party and the still
fiercer puritanism of the Melkites there exists an intelligent and hopeful party favourable to religious reform.
Shafite Egypt is its stronghold, but it is powerful too in Arabia and further East. With it a first article of faith
is that the House of Othman has been and is the curse of Islam, and that its end is at hand.

In spite of Abd el Hamid's pious appeals to the Sheriat they look upon him as one who troubleth Islam. He is
the representative of the party most bitterly opposed to all of good. They know that as long as there is an
Ottoman Caliph, whether his name be Abd el Aziz or Abd el Hamid, moral [Pg 89]progress is impossible, that
the ijtahad cannot be re-opened, and that no such reformation of doctrine and practice can be attempted as
would alone enable their faith to cope with modern infidelity. They see moreover that, notwithstanding his
affected legality, Abd el Hamid's rule is neither juster nor more in accordance with the Mussulman law than
that of his predecessors. The same vices of administration are found in it, and the same recklessness for his
Mussulman subjects' welfare. Of all the lands of Islam his own are probably those where Abd el Hamid has
now the most scanty following. Constantinople is after all his weak point, for the Young Turkish school is far
from dead, the vicissitudes of life and death follow each other closely on the Bosphorus, and the liberal party
can better afford than the reactionary to wait. The death or fall of Abd el Hamid, whenever it may happen,
would immediately decide a movement counter to the Ottoman Caliphate.

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İslam-TR Üyesi
Afganiyi savunduğum yok adam selefi değil modernist ama Abdulhamidinde sufileri desteklemide yanlış ama bu değilki İslama hizmeti yok dediğiniz gibi yahudilere karşı tutumu takdir edilicek bir durum ama bu doğru tavrı var diye sufileri destekler tavrınıda onaylamamalıyız yoksa Afgani modernistini desteklediğim yok
K Çevrimdışı


İyi Bilinen Üye
İslam-TR Üyesi
Bu Hamza Türkmen'in Suratında islam alameti islamın nuru varmı Allah aşkına.
Ya size soruyorum. bir bakın bu adam hadis inkarcısı mel'un bir adam.
Allah suratında ki nuru almış.
Siz bu adamı peygamberi savunurken göremezssiniz.
Afganiyi 1 saat savunmuş.
Yazıklar olsun Yazıklar olsun Yazıklar olsun.....

Allah'ım sen içimizdeki şerlileri bizden uzak et.Aminn
Hamza Türkmeni bugün tvde gördüm Seyyid Kutupun şehadeti programında orda spiker sordu Seyyid Kutup mezhepsizmiydi diye Hamza Türkmende ona itikatta mezhep yoktur falan filan dedi malesef hem tevhidden bahsedip İran devrimide örnek olarak göstermeleri onların zaafı demekki aynısı Ahmed Kalkandada var malesef İran meselesi
M Çevrimdışı


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İslam-TR Üyesi
türkiyeli selefilerin yada öyle olduğunu zannedenlerin diyelim, bir an önce beşeri bir ideoloji olan islamcılıktan vazgeçip alimlerin ulemanın mutedil yoluna girmesi gerekiyor. yaşlı mealci kurt hamza türkmen tipik bir islamist. din ve ideloji arasındaki farkı anlayamış. şahısları kınamanın bir faydası yok. tüm dünyadaki el kaide sempatizanları da tıpkı tekfirciler gibi islamcı ideolojinin söylemlerinden etkilenmişler. gerçek bu.
K Çevrimdışı


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İslam-TR Üyesi
Peki şu haksöz yayınları için geçerlimi tüm dediklerin son zamanlarda gerek Suriye konusunda olsun gerek diğer konularda olsun küresel cihadcıları destekler tavırda görüyorum
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