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B1 Level Reading: American Dream

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A City Upon the Hill

Perched atop a verdant knoll, overlooking the sprawling metropolis below, stood a city of grandeur and aspiration. Its silhouette, etched against the backdrop of a cerulean sky, exuded an aura of timeless elegance. The city, a testament to human ingenuity and perseverance, was a beacon of hope, a symbol of the American Dream.

Its streets, teeming with life and activity, were lined with towering skyscrapers, their gleaming facades reflecting the sunlight. The city's parks, verdant oases amidst the urban jungle, offered respite from the frenetic pace of life. The city's cultural institutions, including world-class museums, theaters, and concert halls, showcased the city's rich heritage and artistic vibrancy.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the cityscape, the city transformed into a dazzling spectacle of light. The city's skyline, adorned with countless twinkling lights, resembled a crown of jewels. The city's energy, palpable even in the quietest of moments, was infectious, inspiring those who lived and worked within its boundaries to reach for the stars.

The city upon the hill, a symbol of the American Dream, was a testament to the power of human spirit. Its story, a tale of triumph and resilience, was a source of inspiration for generations to come.

Word List

city (şehir)
hill (tepe)
skyscraper (gökdelen)
park (park)
museum (müze)
verdant (yemyeşil)
sprawling (genişleyen)
cerulean (gök mavisi)
aspiration (özlem)
silhouette (siluet)
exuded (yaymak)
aura (aura)
ingenuity (beceriklilik, yaratıcılık)
perseverance (azim, kararlılık)
beacon (işaret)
teeming (kaynayan)
frenetic (çılgın, telaşlı)
respite (dinlenme, ara)
cultural (kültürel, kültüre ait)
heritage (miras, gelenek)
perched atop (tepenin başında yerleşmiş)
overlooking (manzaralı)
grandeur (büyüklük, görkem)
aspiration (özlem, hedef)
etched (kazınmış, oyulmuş)
backdrop (arka plan)
exuded (yaymak, yaymak)
timeless (zamansız)
elegance (zariflik, şıklık)
testament (kanıt, belge)
ingenuity (beceriklilik, yaratıcılık)
perseverance (azim, kararlılık)
beacon (işaret, ışık kaynağı)
teeming (kaynayan, dolu dolu)
gleaming (parlayan)
facades (cepheler)
reflecting (yansıtmak)
verdant (yemyeşil)
oases (vahalar)
urban jungle (kentsel orman)
respite (dinlenme, ara)
frenetic (çılgın, telaşlı)
cultural (kültürel, kültüre ait)
institutions (kurumlar)
showcasing (sergilemek, göstermek)
rich (zengin)
heritage (miras, gelenek)
artistic (sanatsal)
vibrancy (canlılık, hareketlilik)
dipped below (alçalmak)
horizon (ufuk)
casting (atmak, fırlatmak)
shadows (gölge)
cityscape (şehir manzarası)
transformed (dönüştürmek)
dazzling (göz kamaştırıcı)
spectacle (gösteri, manzara)
adorned (süslenmiş)
countless (sayısız)
twinkling (parıldayan)
resembled (benzemek)
crown (taç)
jewels (mücevherler)
palpable (hissedilmeye değer)
quietest (en sessiz)
infectious (bulaşıcı)
inspiring (ilham verici)
boundaries (sınırlar)
reach for the stars (yıldızlara ulaşmak)
symbol (sembol)
testament (kanıt, belge)
power (güç)
human spirit (insan ruhu)
tale (hikaye)
triumph (zafer, galibiyet)
resilience (dayanıklılık, direnç)
source (kaynak)
inspiration (ilham)
generations (kuşaklar)
to come (gelecek)

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