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Beni Abhazya'ya Geri Götür

Abu Yahya Çevrimdışı

Abu Yahya

Türkçe öğreniyorum
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Bismillahi al-Rahmani al-Raheem

Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatullah

Değerli kardeşlerim, benim kötü türk affet.
Bu şiir hataları olabilir. Ben hala öğreniyorum çünkü.
Bu şiir semboliktir. Allah sizi ve beni affetsin.


Beni Abhazya'ya geri götür

Kiraz dalları neden ağlar? Beni Abhazya'ya geri götür
Onlar yaşamdan yoksundur. Beni Abhazya'ya geri götür
Bana Karadeniz'in sırlarını öğret.
Onun bilgeliğinde boğulayım

Gemiler denizde dağ gibi yükselen gemiler kime aittir?
Ya Allah, güçlüdür ismin, yıldızlar bile kurban olur
Ağaçlar secde eder, tıpkı ruhumun secde ettiği gibi
Bazen ay bile gülümser, benimde kalbimin gülümsemesine izin ver

Abhaza'mı geri ver, toy zümrüt yeşili
Abhaza'mı geri ver, onu İslama geri ver
İzin ver Sohumkale'yi fethedeyim, Zülkarneyn denizinde
Gel dostum, zaferin yoluna doğru

Aslan Bey Shervashidze, onun duası kabul ola
Onun hakkı ondan alındığı için
Kendi kanı tarafından ihanete uğramış
Ona el-alaa firdevs görmek nasip olsun, ona zanjabil içmek nasip olsun


Abu Yahya Çevrimdışı

Abu Yahya

Türkçe öğreniyorum
İslam-TR Üyesi

English version

Take me back to Abkhazia

Why are the cherry branches crying? Take me back to Abkhazia

They are devoid of life. Take me back to Abkhazia

Teach me the secrets of The Black Sea

Let me drown in its wisdom

To whom belongs the ships, elevated in the sea like mountains?

Ya Allah! For Your mighty name, even the stars are sacrificed

The trees are prostrating, my soul is prostrating too

Sometimes even the moon is smiling, now let my heart smile too

Give me back my Abkhazia, my verdant emerald green

Give me back my Abkhazia, give it back to my Deen

Let me conquer Sohumkale, at the sea of Dhul Qarnain

Come my friend, towards the path of victory

Aslan-Bey Shervashidze, may his prayer be accepted

For his right was taken away from him

Betrayed by his own blood

May he see firdaws al-alaa, may he drink from Zanjabeel


Ebu Selman et-Turkî Çevrimdışı

Ebu Selman et-Turkî

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Salam Alaikom brother, ramadan eid mubarak.

Where are u from akhi?
Ebu Selman et-Turkî Çevrimdışı

Ebu Selman et-Turkî

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Abu Yahya Çevrimdışı

Abu Yahya

Türkçe öğreniyorum
İslam-TR Üyesi
I wrote this poem because I read about how the muslims captured beautiful foreign places like Abkhazia, but then I was saddened by the fact that the Ottomans lost all these wonderful lands because they were seeking dunya instead of aakhirah/death (jihad).

Aslan-Bey Shervashidze had a family and people that hated the Muslims. Yet he loved Islam so much that he even killed his father for the sake of Islam (we believe). Can you imagine so much taqwa?

Yet his brother betrayed him, and his people estranged him, expelled him, by the help of Russia. He died outside his land.

I realised almost no one knows who he is. And people don't even know Sohumkale exists. So I thought I would write the poem, perhaps this way someone will make a dua for him.

Imagine how he felt, a stranger on his own soil. May Allah grant him firdaws al-alaa, ameen.
Ebu Selman et-Turkî Çevrimdışı

Ebu Selman et-Turkî

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I wrote this poem because I read about how the muslims captured beautiful foreign places like Abkhazia, but then I was saddened by the fact that the Ottomans lost all these wonderful lands because they were seeking dunya instead of aakhirah/death (jihad).

Aslan-Bey Shervashidze had a family and people that hated the Muslims. Yet he loved Islam so much that he even killed his father for the sake of Islam (we believe). Can you imagine so much taqwa?

Yet his brother betrayed him, and his people estranged him, expelled him, by the help of Russia. He died outside his land.

I realised almost no one knows who he is. And people don't even know Sohumkale exists. So I thought I would write the poem, perhaps this way someone will make a dua for him.

Imagine how he felt, a stranger on his own soil. May Allah grant him firdaws al-alaa, ameen.

Allahu Akbar, RahmatUllah on upon him.
Ebu Selman et-Turkî Çevrimdışı

Ebu Selman et-Turkî

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