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Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
Can you translate this poem for me? I want to know of there is anything bad in it, like shirk or kufr etc. BarakAllahu Feekum.
Olmasın ağyar ile yari ilahi kimsenin
artmasın günden güne derdile âhı kimsenin
Geceler ney gibi nâlan eylerim, gündüz...
Hmm... "There is no "salafi" community"
Why don't some of them get together then I wonder.
I heard there was such a place in Bosnia before, but I'm not planning to move to Bosnia, and that area is quite poor as far as I've heard?
Ameen. No I haven't made up my mind 100%, example UAE, Qatar, KSA they could also be nice alternatives. I just think Turkey is better in the long run maybe. And yes I know the state of many people in Turkey, but many people are still friendly nevertheless. But to me it sounds like there isn't...
You say that the Muslims of Turkey are true/good and that Turkey is the best Muslim coutry? I don't think so. I just think it's nice to live there, but there are many sufis and secularists, I think Brunei Darussalam is better, but difficult to immigrate I think.
Ameen. BarakAllahu Feek.
Akhi no country rules by Shariah right, so does that mean that we should not make hijra? In Turkey I hope we can hear adhaan 5 times daily and live with people who call themselves Muslims and who don't hate and opress us merely because of our religion, the deen of...
Allah gives happiness to whomsoever He wills. I pray he gives it to everyone reading this, ameen.
Ukhti sometimes you have to move towards good people. But yes there are good people here as well, but we are being oppressed. Sometimes you can make hijra together with other good people as well...
In Adana people shoot at the sun?,-mUW0xGOP0KPgK-OrWPL1w
Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatulllah. Bismillah al-Rahman al-Raheem.
Can you translate this gazel to English? And tell me if there is something kötü in the poem? BarakAllahu Feekum.
Didi dilber hüsnümün hayranı ol didüm be-ser
Didi her dem 'aşkumun giryanı ol didüm be-ser...
BarakAllahu Feek brother I love you Feesabillillah.
Why almost every Turkish poem that sounds a little sweet to the tongue, contains shirk and bad meaning? La hawla wa la quwata illa billah. It's good I asked you, so I don't recite this garbage. Alhamdulillah.
I will look after something else...
Kardeş if you become good at romantic poetry maybe your wife will become more happy, right? In sha Allah there is reward in this.
"her hâr ü hasa yâr olasın" SubhanAllah! This sounds sweet.