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Soru Hijra To Turkey?

Ömer2 Çevrimdışı


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ahicim abimiz özellikle büyük şehir tercih ediyor.
Kendi bilir buyuk sehirdeki irkciliga dayanabilecekse heleki su zamanda ki ben daha kotu olacagini gozlemliyorum tercih kisinin uyarmasi bizimdir.

Cogu yerde muhacirleri ucuz calistirmak ve sosyal haklardan uzak olduklarini da dusunursek uyarmakta fayda var.
Ömer2 Çevrimdışı


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Ulkelerine gonderilenleride unutmayalim....
musafir Çevrimdışı


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Ulkelerine gonderilenleride unutmayalim....
Avrupa'dan olunca işler değişir Allahu alem.
hem bu abimiz afgan asıllı buranın insanına benzerliği olabilir fiziki olarak.
bir de düşüncem şudur bu abimiz mühendis bi iznillah istihdam olur. mesle şu ki onu müslümanların himayesine almak. oyle türkiyede herhangi bir şehirde yalnız bırakmak değil.
Dikkat ettiniz mi ?! kendisi yani abu yahya ülkesinde peçenin yaasaklanması gibi dinde eziyet veren hususlar yüzünden hicret etmeye karar vermiş.
Ömer2 Çevrimdışı


İslam-tr Sakini
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Avrupa'dan olunca işler değişir Allahu alem.
hem bu abimiz afgan asıllı buranın insanına benzerliği olabilir fiziki olarak.
bir de düşüncem şudur bu abimiz mühendis bi iznillah istihdam olur. mesle şu ki onu müslümanların himayesine almak. oyle türkiyede herhangi bir şehirde yalnız bırakmak değil.
Dikkat ettiniz mi ?! kendisi yani abu yahya ülkesinde peçenin yaasaklanması gibi dinde eziyet veren hususlar yüzünden hicret etmeye karar vermiş.

Ben birsey demiyorum herkezin kendi sinavi..
Ebu Mervan Çevrimdışı

Ebu Mervan

İslam-tr Sakini
İslam-TR Üyesi
Avrupa'dan olunca işler değişir Allahu alem.
hem bu abimiz afgan asıllı buranın insanına benzerliği olabilir fiziki olarak.
bir de düşüncem şudur bu abimiz mühendis bi iznillah istihdam olur. mesle şu ki onu müslümanların himayesine almak. oyle türkiyede herhangi bir şehirde yalnız bırakmak değil.
Dikkat ettiniz mi ?! kendisi yani abu yahya ülkesinde peçenin yaasaklanması gibi dinde eziyet veren hususlar yüzünden hicret etmeye karar vermiş.

Eğer kendisi avrupa vatandaşıysa sınır dışı edilme tehlikesi yine vardır. Bence nereli olduğu ozaman fark etmiyor. Birçok bosnalı arap afgan avrupa vatandaşı olduğu için geri gönderildiler.
Abu Yahya Çevrimdışı

Abu Yahya

Türkçe öğreniyorum
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السلام عليكم
. المكان الذي تعيش فيه اذا لم تستطع ان تجعله جنة فجميع الاماكن ممكن ان تكون جهنم
وعليكم السلام

Hijra from dar ul kufr is a part of Islam. And you should be with good people.
H Çevrimdışı

Hanım Kız

İslam-TR Üyesi
وعليكم السلام

Hijra from dar ul kufr is a part of Islam. And you should be with good people.

المهم اولا العيش مع انسان جيد
وانا مع المسلمين لست سعيدة جدا
It's important to first live with a good person
I am with Muslims and I am not very happy
Abu Yahya Çevrimdışı

Abu Yahya

Türkçe öğreniyorum
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المهم اولا العيش مع انسان جيد
وانا مع المسلمين لست سعيدة جدا
It's important to first live with a good person
I am with Muslims and I am not very happy
Allah gives happiness to whomsoever He wills. I pray he gives it to everyone reading this, ameen.

Ukhti sometimes you have to move towards good people. But yes there are good people here as well, but we are being oppressed. Sometimes you can make hijra together with other good people as well. Like in the seerah of Prophets. Like Ibrahim and people from the sahaba.
S Çevrimdışı


İslam-TR Üyesi
Asalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah. Bismillah al-Rahman al-Raheem.

Honoured brethren.
I live in Northern Europe and we Muslims are facing more and more opression here, and they are making laws against women convering themselves with niqab (soon maybe hijab also) etc., so I considered making hijra to Turkey where you can hear the adhaan and women can be covered properly and it will be better for my family maybe. Why Turkey? Because I understand Turkish fine, and I know the economy is doing well, so it's easy for me to settle as an engineer. Also it's more stable and beautiful than many other places in the Muslim world, and the climate is much better than many other places. So if I can find a good area in Turkey, that would in sha Allah be good.

I know some parts of Turkey are very bad. Many secularists, nationalists, modernists, alevis etc. in some cities.

So my question:

What cities in Turkey do you recommend me to settle in?

Preferably a city and not a small village because I need to consider workplaces and universities and schools for children etc. but at the same time an area where people follow Ahlus Sunnah wa'l jammah with the understanding of salaf us salih.

Where do most of the salafis in Turkey live?

BarakAllahu Feekum.

Alekumselam Brother,

Turkey is not a land which is rules to what Allah has permitted or forbidden. But they are at least more tolerant to Muslims as any country in Europe.

It's your decision, but we cannot speak of Hijra in this case, because this land is ruled according to whims and desires of man, not Allah.

So if tribulations becomes much, so you should change country and come to Turkey or any land, where they will at least tolerate Islam.

May Allah grant peace and freedom from this Tawagut.
Pangea Çevrimdışı


İslam-tr Sakini
İslam-TR Üyesi
Aleykumselam ve rahmetullahi ve berekatuhu brother, if you dont have first hand confrontations like a niqab ban and a niqabi wife, than you should consider staying where you are. The land you consider for hijrah may not be the darulsalam you expect it to be. İf ypu are a salafi you would go crazy seeing the empty mosques at fajr in turkey. Of course there might be conservative comunities which take their religion seriously but what i am experiencing is the diminishing of the greeting "selamunalykum" i feel warm in my heart when i hear the phrase, so rare it is.

And turkish people are closed to dawah. They say "elhamdulillah muslumaniz" while drinking beer, and as they believe in this hakuna-matata-islam which has near to no rules, you cant explain them anything. They believe everything is alright no matter what etc.

İ would prefer to live as an example mumin in the west, there are still people who haveno idea about islam or the closest thing to information is that we are a death cult. Just my humble opinions, may Allah bring khayr to your decision for you and your family.
Abu Yahya Çevrimdışı

Abu Yahya

Türkçe öğreniyorum
İslam-TR Üyesi
Alekumselam Brother,

Turkey is not a land which is rules to what Allah has permitted or forbidden. But they are at least more tolerant to Muslims as any country in Europe.

It's your decision, but we cannot speak of Hijra in this case, because this land is ruled according to whims and desires of man, not Allah.

So if tribulations becomes much, so you should change country and come to Turkey or any land, where they will at least tolerate Islam.

May Allah grant peace and freedom from this Tawagut.
Ameen. BarakAllahu Feek.

Akhi no country rules by Shariah right, so does that mean that we should not make hijra? In Turkey I hope we can hear adhaan 5 times daily and live with people who call themselves Muslims and who don't hate and opress us merely because of our religion, the deen of Islam.

Aleykumselam ve rahmetullahi ve berekatuhu brother, if you dont have first hand confrontations like a niqab ban and a niqabi wife, than you should consider staying where you are. The land you consider for hijrah may not be the darulsalam you expect it to be. İf ypu are a salafi you would go crazy seeing the empty mosques at fajr in turkey. Of course there might be conservative comunities which take their religion seriously but what i am experiencing is the diminishing of the greeting "selamunalykum" i feel warm in my heart when i hear the phrase, so rare it is.

And turkish people are closed to dawah. They say "elhamdulillah muslumaniz" while drinking beer, and as they believe in this hakuna-matata-islam which has near to no rules, you cant explain them anything. They believe everything is alright no matter what etc.

İ would prefer to live as an example mumin in the west, there are still people who haveno idea about islam or the closest thing to information is that we are a death cult. Just my humble opinions, may Allah bring khayr to your decision for you and your family.
Ameen. BarakAllahu Feeki. I know Turkey is not so nice everywhere, that's why I'm asking for a specific place.

Ya3ni, like a small town with many salafis and niqabis etc.
Abu Yahya Çevrimdışı

Abu Yahya

Türkçe öğreniyorum
İslam-TR Üyesi
ebu Yahya..Das beste muslimische land ist türkei...hier sind die muslime richtig..
You say that the Muslims of Turkey are true/good and that Turkey is the best Muslim coutry? I don't think so. I just think it's nice to live there, but there are many sufis and secularists, I think Brunei Darussalam is better, but difficult to immigrate I think.
SeyyidSadr Çevrimdışı


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selamun aleykum
i live in kayseri (city). and I am studying in Istanbul(now) I traveled a lot citys . konya is good but ... Kayseri is best city ,why ?
Kayseri religious by istanbul, izmir ,Antalya... but They are more advanced and crowded

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