TÜRK ORDUSUNUN SURİYEYE GİRDİĞİ İDDİA EDİLİYOR,İNŞALLAH Doğrudur da 80 senelik uykudan uyanır bu millet....onun ötesi kudüs inşaAllahPressTV - Convoy of Turkish military forces enters Syrian town of Jarablos
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had warned in late July that Ankara could strike the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) armed group inside Syria.
He also stated that the strike is “not even a matter of discussion, it is a given.”
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had warned in late July that Ankara could strike the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) armed group inside Syria.
He also stated that the strike is “not even a matter of discussion, it is a given.”